
External sewage powerful discharge equipment
Traditional domestic sewage discharge in the basement of a building. When the sewage pipe cannot be discharged into the sewage pipe by gravity, a sewage collection tank and a sewage pump should be set up and discharged to the outdoor inspection well. However, this form of sewage discharge has promises in practical applications. There are many disadvantages, such as dirt easily causing sedimentation and plugging, and manual decontamination and cleaning must be performed regularly; the sewage pump is often stuck to damage by the debris; the odor generated during the cleaning process pollutes the surrounding environment, etc., so practice has proved this This type of sewage discharge is not ideal.
◆Product Overview
Traditional domestic sewage discharge in the basement of a building. When the sewage pipe cannot be discharged into the sewage pipe by gravity, a sewage collection tank and a sewage pump should be set up and discharged to the outdoor inspection well. However, this form of sewage discharge has promises in practical applications. There are many disadvantages, such as dirt easily causing sedimentation and plugging, and manual decontamination and cleaning must be performed regularly; the sewage pump is often stuck to damage by the debris; the odor generated during the cleaning process pollutes the surrounding environment, etc., so practice has proved this This type of sewage discharge is not ideal.
The WQP type sewage powerful discharge equipment is a new generation of products independently developed by our company's technical research and development personnel based on the actual use of the site, with the core of economy, practicality, environmental protection and high efficiency. It is characterized by using the filtering function of the equipment to cleverly block the impurities and solid particles in the sewage in the impurity deposition chamber. When the water level in the collection tank reaches the set start pump level, the sewage pump starts to collect the water in the tank and the deposition chamber. The impurities in the chamber are discharged into the F water inspection well. When the water level in the collecting tank reaches the pump-stop level, the sewage pump stops and completes a sewage discharge. Every time it is discharged, the impurities in the deposition chamber are cleaned up. It avoids the deposition of debris and saves manual cleaning regularly; it also prevents impurities from passing through the sewage pump to avoid damage caused by the jam of the pump. Therefore, it has won the favor of the majority of new and old users.







●  排污能力強、無培塞一一污物不經過污水泵葉輪,不會對污水泵造成培塞, 延長了泵的使用壽命; 而且排污直徑不受限于葉輪流道大小,可排污物直徑大為排出管徑8o%。

●  環保、無污染一一污水在密封狀態下儲存及排放,不外溢、無臭味, 不會污染周邊環境; 生活排水管道上單向調有效的阻擋了臭味的回流。

●  免清掏一一污水與污物先分離,通過反沖洗的功能一起排出, 設備每運行一次, 污物排出一次, 同時利用自沖洗功能將水箱沖洗一次, 真正實現無沉施、免清掏, 大大減少了日常維護工作及維護費用。

●  提高建筑物利用率一一產品的緊湊設計不僅使得外形美觀, 而且占地面積小、安裝方便、節省地下室空間,大大降低運行費用和
土建費用 。

●  自動化控制系統一一系統能實現全自動控制, 具有手動/自動切換、 主副泵定時交替動行、 高低水位自動啟動、 各種故障報警等功
能, 附合樓宇自動化設計;另可根據用戶需求配置人機界面,可視化遠程調整、 監測和維護 。
●  MZPWS(B) -I-N型単泵內置式(單泵全封閉式)設備適用于排水量均勻、瞬時排水量較小的場所,適用排放地下室同層來水, 設備安裝在地坑內, 站地面積較小;


●  MZPWS(B) -I-W型單泵外置式設備適用于排水量均勻、瞬時排水量較小的場所,適用排放地下室多層,但底層無生活污水,需對上一層地下室生活污不強排的場合, 設備安裝在地上室底層地面上;

●  MZPWS(B) -II-N型雙泵內置式(雙泵全封閉式)設備適用于排水量較大,排水量均勻、瞬時來水量較小的場所,適用排放地下室同層來水, 設備安裝在地坑內;

●  MZPWS(B) -II-W型雙泵外置式設備適用于排水量較大,排水量均勻、瞬時來水量較小的場所,適用排放地下室多層,但底層無生活污水,需對上一層地下室生活污水強排的場合,設備安裝在地下室底層地面上;

●  MZPWS(B) -IV-N型四泵內置式設備適用于排水量較大,排水量均勻、瞬時來水量較大的場所,適用排放地下室同層來水,設備安裝在地坑內, 設備工作時可依據來水量的不同自動選擇一級泵或級號泵同時啟動;

●  MZPWS(B) -IV-W型四泵外置式設備適用于排水量較大,來水量均勻、 瞬時排水量較大的場所, 適用排放地下室多層, 但底層無生活污水,需對上層地下室生活污水強排的場合,設備安裝在地下室底層地面上, 設備工作時可依據來水量的不同自動選擇一級泵或二級泵同時啟動。

含有污物的生活污水靠白身重量, 由建筑生活排水管線進入設備進水口,當經過過施室時,污水與污物進行分高,污物暫存于過濾室內;通過過濾的污水經水泵進口反方向流入集水箱。當集水箱的水位達到設定啟票水位時,主泵啟動(多泵設備主泵與副泵交替啟動) , 污水泵吸取集水箱內過滿后的污水利用出口壓力反沖洗過施室, 使過港室內的污物隨壓力水流一起排入室外排水檢査并, 同時自沖洗孔對集水箱進行清洗, 此時主泵端止回間B處關閉狀;態不會產生污水回流, 副泵端止回間 B為開啟狀態生活污水繼續流入設備, 當集水箱內水位降至停泵水位,主泵停止運行,設備的一次排污過程結束。對于単泵設備運行時,污水可經過其它過旋室連續流入設備內,不受水泵運行與否的影響。

2021 Sichuan Pearl Pump Industry Co., Ltd 蜀ICP備15008313號-1